Friday, April 11, 2014

The joys of following Jesus

Christian, following Jesus is not simply what we do. It is who we are. That distinction is HUGE.

If it is simply what we do, we will become a moralist. We'll try to live a good life and gloss over our slip-ups. Unfortunately, if we look around, we'll notice that a lot of people who claim no allegiance to Jesus at all are living just as 'good' a life as we are. The lost will not be drawn to Jesus by observing our lives because they see no major difference when they compare themselves to us.

If, however, we realize that following Jesus defines who we are, we will hear Him calling out to us to "deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me" (Matthew 16:24). We will realize that statement calls us to refuse to live our lives for ourselves (deny ourselves), submit to His right to rule us (take up our cross) and live our lives for Jesus (follow Him). We won't simply be a 'good' person. We will become holy (i.e. set apart for God).

The exciting part is that someone who really gets this distinction will come into a deeper fellowship with Jesus; maybe they never even realized that such an incredible relationship was possible. They will discover that the longings that reside deep inside their soul were simply waiting to be filled with a God who has become so real to them. And they will be motivated to live for Jesus and obey Him not out of a sense of duty but because they wholeheartedly want to!

Psalm 34:8 (New Living Translation)
"Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!"

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