Friday, October 16, 2015

On dogs, Hell and the Gospel

I was finishing up the final mile of my run this morning when I felt the urge to instantly turn around and head the other direction. Why? There was a dog on the loose up ahead and I didn't want to run the risk of encountering a dog that woke up in a bad mood.

After doing the u-turn, I saw a lady on her morning walk with a beagle on a leash. As I approached, I said: "I don't know if he's friendly but there is a loose dog up ahead at the end of this road." She wound the leash tighter around her arm drawing her dog closer as she said, "Thank you!" She kept walking in the direction of the loose dog.

I ran for about a quarter of a mile when a beagle's frantic barking broke the morning's stillness.

What came so natural to me in that moment is exactly what Jesus has called us to do. He has called us to warn others of the day of judgment and to call them to repent (do a u-turn). Some will heed our call but others will reject it. That's not our concern. We are simply to tell others about Him. If they hear Him say, "Depart from Me ..." let it not be our fault!

 Be open to who God may bring across your path each day.

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