Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Adrian Rogers on "Keeping Pace"

I would not give anything for the time I spent at Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis under the preaching ministry and leadership of Adrian Rogers. Few men have led so well and maintained such a high degree of integrity and exuded such a love for the Lord as him.

In fact, I loved this man and so respected his ministry that I chose a spot out on the front lawn of Bellevue to drop to my knee in December 1996 to ask my wife to marry me.

As I was going through some of my personal notes, I came across something I had jotted down titled "Keeping Pace" by Adrian Rogers. It was his concise word on how to present ourselves well as followers of Jesus spiritually, personally, and socially.

I'm certain that you will find this beneficial:

Keeping P-A-C-E Spiritually
P raise
I praise You that You’ve given Yourself to me.
A cceptance
I accept that You’ve given Yourself to me.
C ontrol
I place myself under Your control that You might live Your life through me.
E xpectation
I expect that it’s going to be a great day as I live my life with You.

Keeping P-A-C-E Personally
P osture
I need to stand straight.
A ttitude
I need to be positive.
C ountenance
I need to look pleasant.
E nthusiasm
I need to project vitality.

Keeping P-A-C-E Socially
P raise
Find something to compliment.
A cceptance
Greet with enthusiasm.
C oncern
Ask about their situation.
E ncouragement
Leave them with a blessing.

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