Thursday, December 15, 2016

Book review: "The Shack" by William P. Young

A Christian movie is coming out in March 2017 that, I predict, will have a domestic total gross income of well over $100 million. Thousands upon thousands of Christians will flock to the theaters to see it. After all, the movie is based upon a book (originally published - May 2007) that began as a self-published work but eventually sold 18 million copies. So, yes, the movie is bound to be a block-buster.

The book caused a great divide among Christians, even conservative evangelicals. Some loved it and some despised it. Why was it scorned by many? The accusation was that it was saturated with false, even bizarre theology.

A confession: As popular as it was, I had not read this book until I purchased it one week ago. I realized that it was going to hit the big screen so I wanted to inform myself firsthand. I downloaded a copy of the book to my kindle app and devoured it.

After reading the book, I could easily write another book with all of my thoughts. Yet, for the purposes of this post, I will greatly limit all that I could say about this book, positive and negative.

Here are my thoughts:

It is well written
The vivid (yet not overdone) language and writing style pulls you into the story. The storyline is compelling and believable. And (no spoiler here) it will take you to a very dark place from which the true purpose of the book arises. Most readers will have trouble putting the book down.

It is very relevant
The author tackles some of the toughest of human questions.

Why does God allow pain?
How can I forgive someone who has horribly wronged me?
What is God like?
What does God think of me?

These questions and more like them are addressed in this book. For this reason, too, the reader will have difficulty putting the book down.

It is filled with tidbits of great wisdom
In my journey through The Shack, I underlined many sentences. The author, while misguided in a multitude of areas (I'll get to that momentarily), provided many principles that brought clarity to biblical truth. At other times, he gave helpful advice to those who struggle with many of the same problems as the lead character.

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OK, there are a few other positive things that I could say about the book but I will spend the remainder of my time addressing my serious concerns. It is my belief that the negatives essentially trump the positives rendering this a book that Christians should read (if they so choose) with great caution and much skepticism.

But, in bringing some of the negatives to light, I realize that some Jesus-followers will get very upset. Why? Because they have found much comfort in this book (there is much to be enjoyed). However, some of the "comforting truths" in this book are unbiblical. Some are clearly heretical. And when something that has provided us insight and comfort is shown (or alleged) to be false, we naturally take offense.

Yet, if Jesus-followers are to enjoy our God more fully and follow Him more knowledgeably, we must be sure that our beliefs are in line with Scripture. After all, Jesus said that God's Word is truth (John 17:17). It is not simply true. It is the essence and standard of truth whereby we determine what else in life is true.

So, here are some areas of concern where I believe the author has horribly erred in regard to Scripture. I will sprinkle some Bible references along the way.

It questions the relevancy of Scripture
In chapter 4, the main character (Mack) has experienced a horrible loss. He receives an unstamped letter in his mailbox inviting him to the shack for a meeting. It's signed "Papa." (This is the name that Mack's wife uses for God.)

On page 62, the author invites the reader into Mack's thought process. Mack wonders if the letter really is from God and whether or not God will visibly show up to speak with him.

But, to set up the narrative between Papa and Mack in the remainder of the book, the writer must reveal that it is possible for God to show up physically and speak audibly. So, how does he do this? He discredits Scripture, the written Word. The sarcastic tone is fairly obvious as we momentarily enter Mack's mind...
From page 62-63: "In seminary we had been taught that God had completely stopped any overt communication with moderns, preferring to have them only listen to and follow sacred Scripture, properly interpreted, of course. God’s voice had been reduced to paper, and even that paper had to be moderated and deciphered by the proper authorities and intellects. It seemed that direct communication with God was something exclusively for the ancients and uncivilized, while educated Westerners’ access to God was mediated and controlled by the intelligentsia. Nobody wanted God in a box, just in a book. Especially an expensive one bound in leather with gilt edges, or was that guilt edges?" 
Clearly, the author is mocking the notion that God primarily speaks through the Bible. He discredits it in his main character's mind. And, as he wipes his hands clean of any restrictions the Bible may have placed on him, he now feels free to send Mack to the shack where he will engage in a face-to-face narrative with the Trinity (in bodily form).

As if this were not enough, the author makes it clear just how irrelevant the written Word of God really is. How so? I was not able to find a single biblical verse quoted in the whole book! If you read through the Gospels, you will see that Jesus quoted the Old Testament Scriptures generously. Yet, the three persons who represented God (Papa), Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (Sarayu) never quote a single verse from the Bible.

Which is another problem I have with this book - the author puts words (not found in the Bible) in God's mouth. The characters of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit speaks thousands of words. They make truth claims (many of which are clearly false). Yet, the author feels no obligation to make sure that what they say aligns with Scripture. The author simply puts words into each member of the Trinity's mouth and desires that the reader embrace those words as truth (again, even though not a single Bible verse was cited in the entire book). This is unspeakably wrong in my estimation.

This is a theology book
By this, I mean that the primary purpose of this book is not to tell a story. It is to inform and influence the biblical beliefs of the reader.

If you doubt my previous statements, simply ask someone who has read the book what they liked most about it. Almost certainly, they will not refer to the story line. They will say things like:

"It helped me to understand how much God loves me."
"It helped me to understand the Trinity."
"It helped me to understand mankind's freedom and God's control over His Creation."

All of these statements point to the fact that Christians are going to this book and coming away with a change in their belief system. They are treating it like a theology book.

And this is horribly frightening given the previous point - that not a single Scripture is referenced in the whole book.

God is presented as a Public Relations Officer would present Him
By this, I mean that the God found on the pages of Scripture is very different than the "God" presented in this book.

The God of the Bible is love but also gets angry.
The God of the Bible is merciful but also judges.
The God of the Bible is forgiving but also condemns.

But, the God (Papa) in this book got cleaned up. He's much more presentable to a culture that wants none of His justice, none of His discipline, none of the talk about sin. They only want Him for His therapeutic value. They want to hear of nothing but His love and grace. In fact, they want to deny that He ever gets upset at sin, disciplines the wayward, and condemns the unrepentant sinner.

Let me provide a word count from The Shack to show what I mean. Notice how the "positive" words of God's character and work are generously used while the "negative words of God's character and work are rarely used at all.

Love - 100
Grace/mercy - 22
Forgive - 46
Relationship - 89

Sin - 7
Repent - 6
Hell - 6
Salvation - 0

There are a multitude of unbiblical statements and principles
The author is seeking to influence the reader's mind. He wants to change the way they see God. He wants to change the way they understand who God is and what God does. And in doing so, he makes many truth claims that are clearly wrong. 

Let me give you three examples:

- 1. The author claims that there is no authority structure in the Trinity
Listen to this conversation that takes place between Mack and the members of the Trinity on pages 126-127:
“Well, I know that you are one and all, and that there are three of you. But you respond with such graciousness to each other. Isn’t one of you more the boss than the other two?” The three looked at one another as if they had never thought of such a question. “I mean,” Mack hurried on, “I have always thought of God the Father as sort of being the boss and Jesus as the one following orders, you know, being obedient. I’m not sure how the Holy Spirit fits in exactly. He… I mean, she… uh…” Mack tried not to look at Sarayu as he stumbled for words. “Whatever— the Spirit always seemed kind of a… uh…” “A free spirit?” offered Papa. “Exactly— a free spirit, but still under the direction of the Father. Does that make sense?” Jesus looked over at Papa, obviously trying with some difficulty to maintain the perception of a very serious exterior. “Does that make sense to you, Abba? Frankly, I haven’t a clue what this man is talking about.” Papa scrunched up her face as if exerting great concentration. “Nope, I have been trying to make head or tail out of it, but sorry, he’s got me lost.” “You know what I am talking about.” Mack was a little frustrated. “I am talking about who’s in charge. Don’t you have a chain of command?” “Chain of command? That sounds ghastly!” Jesus said.
Is this what the Bible teaches? Nope. Not even close. Simply investigate the following verses to see that Jesus has willingly submitted Himself to the authority of the Father: 1 Corinthians 15:28; Luke 2:49; Matthew 26:39; John 6:38; etc.

- 2. The author claims that God is essentially anti-authority
In the following conversation between Mack and the Trinity, Mack is beginning to think that God is not fond of an organized church (religion) or government. Listen as they interact on pages 193-194:
“I really do want to understand. I mean, I find you so different from all the well-intentioned religious stuff I’m familiar with.” “As well-intentioned as it might be, you know that religious machinery can chew up people!” Jesus said with a bite of his own. “An awful lot of what is done in my name has nothing to do with me and is often, even if unintentional, very contrary to my purposes.” “You’re not too fond of religion and institutions?” Mack said, not sure if he was asking a question or making an observation. “I don’t create institutions— never have, never will.” “What about the institution of marriage?” “Marriage is not an institution. It’s a relationship.” Jesus paused, his voice steady and patient. “Like I said, I don’t create institutions; that’s an occupation for those who want to play God. So no, I’m not too big on religion, and not very fond of politics or economics either.” Jesus’ visage darkened noticeably. “And why should I be? They are the man-created trinity of terrors that ravages the earth and deceives those I care about. What mental turmoil and anxiety does any human face that is not related to one of those three?” 
Did you get that? The author put words in God's mouth and made Him state that He has nothing to do with institutions. In fact, he calls religion, politics, and economics "the man-created trinity of terrors."

Is this true? Is it biblical? Of course not.

Jesus started the church and promises to continue building it (Matthew 16:18). Yes, it is about relationship with the Father and relationship with each other. But, there are also plenty of ground rules in the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament to make it clear that the church is an organized "institution" given the assignment of glorifying God, equipping the saints for ministry, and spreading the fame of His name.

As far as government, God clearly instituted it. Just read Romans 13:1-7. God set up government and oversees it and demands that Christians submit to it. The language on this topic in The Shack is foreign to Scripture.

But, get this point - the author continues, over and over, to have God (Papa) say things that are clearly in violation of Scripture. He is making the "God" character in this book make claims that are directly opposed to what God has clearly said in His Word. 

And the result - Christians are reading it and are saying that it is giving them so much comfort and insight - that apparently they weren't getting from their encounters with God's actual Book.

- 3. The author is a universalist (he believes that no one will go to Hell)
Listen to these two references:

This first one is a conversation between Mack and God (Papa). It begins with a claim from God on page 210.
“Maybe for you, but not for me. There has never been a question that what I wanted from the beginning, I will get.” Papa sat forward and crossed her arms on the table. “Honey, you asked me what Jesus accomplished on the cross, so now listen to me carefully: through his death and resurrection, I am now fully reconciled to the world.” “The whole world? You mean those who believe in you, right?” “The whole world, Mack. All I am telling you is that reconciliation is a two-way street, and I have done my part, totally, completely, finally. It is not the nature of love to force a relationship, but it is the nature of love to open the way.” 
Did you get that? God (Papa) says that he has reconciled the whole world to himself. The immediate question would be, "What does he mean by that?" Well, if we look to the Bible to see how the word "reconciled" is used in the New Testament, it always speaks of bringing two opposing parties into a state of peace. In regard to God, who is at odds with the sinner (John 3:36), this means that He has provided terms of peace.

The previous section from the book is inconclusive in regard to whether or not the author is stating that every person will end up in Heaven (even if they aren't followers of Jesus, or have never heard of Jesus). We need some more information.

Well, we get that information on page 247. A conversation between God (Papa) and Mack has been taking place. One line that is attributed to God is the following:
"In Jesus, I have forgiven all humans for their sins against me, but only some choose relationship."
Here the author, through Papa, claims that not only have the terms for reconciliation been prepared by God, He has also "forgiven all humans for their sins," a statement clearly in violation to the principles of the New Testament. (If everyone's sins were paid for by Jesus on the cross, then God is guilty of double-jeopardy by holding those sins against the sinner on the Day of Judgment [see Revelation 20:11-15]. Jesus would also be misinformed when He said that compared to the narrow road that leads to life, most people will travel the broad road and end up in Hell [see Matthew 7:13-14]).

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I have many more notes and reflections that would enable me to continue adding to the length of the post. Yet, I've brought enough concerns about The Shack to give even the most nominal of Christians reason to read each line of the book (should they choose to read it) with a critical eye and another eye on Scripture.

If I could be so bold, I will end with a few lines from a discussion that Jesus had with Mack on page 196. It seems to fit how I feel about the book in which these lines appear:
Mack: “I have been told so many lies,” he admitted. Jesus looked at him and then with one arm pulled Mack in and hugged him. “I know, Mack, so have I. I just didn’t believe them.”

Friday, November 25, 2016

An unexpected road to freedom

Are you struggling with guilt or shame? Have you done something (or are doing something) that you know is wrong and yet cannot break free of it?

The very LAST thing we feel like doing is exposing our sin and weakness to someone else. Our mind and heart absolutely resists being vulnerable with someone else. 


Because it sets us up for further pain. What if they look down on us? What if they condemn us? What if they cut us off? What if they share our sin with others?

These concerns are legitimate. But, to experience spiritual release and freedom, we have to embark into the ocean of uncertainty.

Listen to what God's Word says about this:

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed..." (James 5:16).

Let me tell you how this works (and I have seen it work over and over in my life and in the lives of others). 

When we humble ourselves before a trusted Jesus-follower and share our sin struggles, we are able to hear Jesus speak through them. 

Too often, we ask Jesus for forgiveness of our sin(s) but we struggle to receive that forgiveness because it isn't audible. We can't look in His compassion-filled eyes, see the seriousness of our sin, and hear Him say, "That's a sin I died for. You have repented of it. Of course you are forgiven. Go and sin no more." Since we can't see it and hear it (experience it), we may struggle to receive the forgiveness and healing that Jesus is offering to us.

Yet, when a Jesus-follower, who is serious about both holiness and grace, tells us that our sin is serious but so is Jesus' grace ("...where sin increased, grace abounded all the more," Romans 5:20), then we may experience that "moment" we need to break free of our sin with its shame and guilt. When they look us in the eye after we have told them of our sin (and our repentance to the Lord) and say, "That sin is serious but of course Jesus has forgiven you," that can be a profound moment that helps us break free from the chains of sin, guilt and shame.

So, are you struggling with feeling forgiven by God? Are you struggling with shame and guilt? Why not obey James 5:16, find a trusted Jesus-follower, swallow your self-defeating pride, and take the steps to move into a freedom and forgiveness you may have not felt in a very long time.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Silence and Solitude and Communion with God

To our own detriment, we have lost the art of being still and knowing that God is God (Psalm 46:10).

When we read Mark 11:15-17 and visualize in our mind's eye what it would have looked like for Jesus to run the money-changers out of the temple, we wrongfully assume that this principle applies only to church life. When we realize that we (Jesus-followers) are now the temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), we come to understand that it is our minds and hearts that Jesus must clear of distractions.

Mark 11:15-17
"And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. And he was teaching them and saying to them, 'Is it not written, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations"? But you have made it a den of robbers.' "

To experience our God and enjoy His presence, we must get rid of any clutter that would distract us in our times of prayer and reflection upon His Word. After all, Jesus did this. We are told that He often went to the desert (Matthew 4:1), a mountain (Matthew 14:23), the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 21:37) and other places of solitude (Luke 5:16) to experience quietness in His mind and heart as well as communion with His Father.

But, many in our culture do not value quietness. It drives us crazy. And we don't value anything except busyness. We often pride ourselves in how much we have accomplished ... and how much busier we are than others. And we feel horrible (even guilty) when there is a span of time that we have not accomplished anything.

So, work with Jesus to have times in your day when you chase distractions out of your mind and heart so that you can enjoy prayerful communion with God. Doing so will go against the way many of us are wired. But, if we would enjoy our God, we must seek out daily time to quiet our minds and hearts and sit in the presence of God with reflective Bible reading and prayer.

God made us to need this time of communion with Him just as much as we were made to need air, food and drink. So, work to carve out space each day for quiet fellowship with God.

Psalm 42:1-2
"As a deer pants for flowing streams, 
so pants my soul for you, O God. 
My soul thirsts for God, 
for the living God. 
When shall I come and appear before God?"

Thursday, October 6, 2016

When God humbles us it's a good thing

As I read the final chapters of the Biblical book of Job, I can't help but feel sorry for Job. From chapters 38-41, God hammers away with question after question. His intention is to remind Job that he is small man on a small planet that would appear to be an insignificant speck in the incredibly massive universe.

But, my sympathy is misplaced. When I come to understand what God is doing to Job (and what God desires to do with us), I realize that God is actually doing an incredibly loving thing.

Let me illustrate the point: Have you ever stood before a majestic mountain or a massive, cascading waterfall or something of the sort and just stood in awe? You felt so small in front of something so massive - so amazing - but your humility actually added to the joy. Because you were OK with feeling small, you were free to enjoy the greatness of what was before you.

Here's one more question: Have you ever had the previous experience with someone who was completely unimpressed? They diminished what you held in such high regard. They arrogantly treated what was so valuable as if it was common.

Here's another question: Who enjoyed the experience more? You who were humbled by it or the one who arrogantly was unmoved by the experience? The answer is obvious. We are most free to experience joy when we are humbled in the presence of something much greater than ourselves.

This is what God was doing with Job. Apparently, through all of his horrible experiences, Job had grown self-righteous and arrogant even to the point of questioning God's intentions and character. In that condition, He was not free to enjoy his God. So, to increase Job's joy, God pounded away at him with question after question with the intention of humbling him.

Application: Don't resist God's workings in your life to remind you of how frail and impotent you are in the grand scheme of things. It is only when we are humbled that we are free to really enjoy our incredible God.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Pastors Round Table / Lab @ NAMB

NAMB Headquarters / Alpharetta, GA
One of the many, many things that I love about being a Southern Baptist is that we have learned that we can do so much more together than we can individually. I have experienced the power of this truth in the past couple of days.

My friend and former pastor, Dr. Hershael York, is passionate about Kingdom work. He finds great pleasure in influencing and teaching pastors who are preparing for the field (he teaches preaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) as well as those already on the field.

Instructional time led by Dr. York.
So, he asked 24 pastors to make this trip to NAMB headquarters (North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention) in Alpharetta, GA. This would provide a brief but productive pastoral get-away where we could be encouraged and instructed. It would also provide an opportunity for pastors to network and build relationships with other pastors. Further, it provided an opportunity for NAMB to continue bridging the gap between SBC entities and the local church by way of the pastor.

The folks at NAMB were so gracious to each of us! They were generous in providing for our accommodations, our afternoon and evening meals, a tour through the CNN headquarters on Tuesday afternoon, giving every pastor a stack of new books (it often feels like Christmas when a pastor is given books!), an enjoyable tour of the NAMB facilities while getting to meet some of the folks that serve there, and so much more. Kevin Ezell, the President of NAMB, who stays extremely busy, made it a point to drop by to visit with us.

Of course, the instructional time with Dr. York was fantastic. It is always helpful to hear from a pastor who is farther down the road of ministry as he speaks about lessons the Lord has taught Him along the way. But, Dr. York doesn't simply regurgitate principles. He has a wealth of stories that illustrate how he has put the principles into practice. I had a few "aha" moments today and am looking forward to prayerfully putting some of the things I've learned into practice.


I took quite a few pictures today. I will put some of them below with a few words underneath.

Our group listening to some information about the various regions in which
NAMB is encouraging churches to partner with new church plants.
Westside Baptist has a partnership with a church plant in Denver through the Send Network.
Kim Robinson, Vice President of Marketing and Ministry Support at NAMB, is
speaking to us in Kevin Ezell's office on our tour. 
This display keeps up the latest total of churches that are partnering with church plants
through NAMB's emphasis, Send North America. It is exciting to see a church planting
movement taking place as folks, who may have never heard the Gospel, are being reached
through churches that are planted in their neighborhoods.
NAMB has a "War Room" on the 5th floor. This room has names, churches, church plants,
and other information that surround the individuals who enter this room with the purpose
 of interceding.
If you watch the news and see the Red Cross delivering meals int he time of a national disaster,
you can take it to the bank that NAMB is behind the scenes cooking the meals, etc. Our Disaster
Relief Operations Center is second to none as it mobilizations thousands of Southern Baptists
to help in a time of need.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Take it to the Lord in prayer

Have you ever felt overwhelmed at what seemed to be impossible circumstances? Maybe things even seemed utterly hopeless?

Sometimes, life can do that to us. We live in a broken world, after all.

Well, what is to be done? Friend, I read a story in Isaiah 36-37 this morning that gives incredible hope! It is a truth that we all need to remember.

Sennacherib, the supreme ruler over Assyria, sent his army to attack Hezekiah and the land of Judah. The battle wouldn't have even been close. There was absolutely no way that Judah could prevail.

What was Hezekiah to do? Throw up his hands in despair. No one could have blamed him if he did.

But he didn't.

While he was filled with despair and feelings of hopeless, he took the matter to the Lord. A letter had been written to clarify just how hopeless the situation was ... but Hezekiah took that letter to the Lord.

Isaiah 37:14-15 "Hezekiah took the letter from the messengers, read it, then went up to the LORD’s temple and spread it out before the LORD. Then Hezekiah prayed to the LORD: ..."

Did God already know what was in the letter? Yep.

Did Hezekiah inform God of anything He didn't already know. Nope.

But, God was pleased when Hezekiah brought the matter to Him, opened up the issue, told Him all about it, and explained what needed to happen.

Essentially, Hezekiah bore his soul to God. He expressed his fears. He expressed his feelings of hopelessness. But, he also said that God must move and that God could absolutely do something about the problem.

And God did!

Friend, do not settle into despair when life gets tough. It's easy to do. I have done it all too often. But, Christians have the powerful resource of prayer in times of trial.

Will God answer us quickly? No necessarily.

Will God grant our requests every time? No.

But, that's where faith comes in. We go to Him, tell Him what's going on, and then trust Him with the results.

Let's strive to live in victory today. Our Father, if you are saved, is the Ruler of the Universe, after all.

Antares and Worshiping God

Ok, I love star-gazing. I'm looking to the SW and see the red planet, Mars. To the right of Mars is the bright planet, Saturn. If you look below Saturn, the bright star is Antares. That star is so far away that the light you are seeing began its journey (traveling 186,000 miles per second) before Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

Genesis 1:16 "And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars."

When you read Genesis 1:16, it's almost as if the stars, in their incomprehensible immensity, were an afterthought. "Oh, by the way, He made the stars, too. No big deal." Our God is awesome!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Walking down memory lane

Today was a wonderful walk down memory lane! Here's what happened:

From 1995-1997, I was a member at Bellevue Baptist Church near Memphis, Tennessee. 

I can see the 3rd story windows of the Military Sunday School class I used to teach!
It's under the center overhang.
In those years, I was also the Assistant to the Military Minister. The fringe benefits that I enjoyed included sitting under the preaching ministry and leadership of Dr. Adrian Rogers while getting an insiders look at an incredible church. 

I cannot adequately express how grateful I am that God gave me those few years! Some 20 years later, I still think back on them with great fondness!

In the Spring of 1996, I began dating Kim. It didn't take me long to realize that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. 

Our dating relationship was almost completely long-distance (she lived in Lexington, KY and I lived in Germantown, TN). So, when I heard that she and a singles church group were coming to Bellevue to watch the annual "Singing Christmas Tree" performance, I formulated my plan to propose to her. After the performance, we went out to see some Christmas lights. About an hour later, I came back to Bellevue's property, the front lawn was lit up with festive lights, and I knelt down beside a pond and proposed to her. I had to ask a second time because she began crying and didn't give me a "yes" quickly enough.  

She told me the next day that she didn't sleep a wink that night. Here's a picture she took with her new engagement ring:

The next day, the singles church group headed back to Lexington, KY. On the way, they saw a couch on the side of the road and decided to take a crazy picture on it. Kim is in the red sweater.


It's hard to believe that this all happened 20 years ago! (Time flies by too quickly!)

So, today, it was surreal as I was listening to a sermon by Adrian Rogers on my podcast app as I pulled onto Bellevue's property. I was overwhelmed with wonderful memories from when I frequented this place. 

But, there was one special place I wanted to visit - the place where I knelt down to propose to Kim! They've changed the spot in the past 20 years: the road has been widened and there is now shrubbery and a waterfall near the spot. (That would have made it even more romantic 20 years ago!)

I proposed to Kim at the far left of this picture.
The trees and shrubbery weren't there 20 years ago.
There is also now a bench and a small waterfall.
I guess they are commemorating the spot where Kim said, "Yes." HA

I proposed to Kim on the other side of this tree (that wasn't there 20 years ago).
It's neat that there is now beautiful flowers and a small waterfall in this spot.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Heaven is real

Too often, we treat our life like it is the only reality. We wake up, we get ready for the day, go to school or work, come home with family, do some chores and then settle in for a night's sleep only to do it all over again the next day. It's what we experience so it is "real."

We talk about Heaven and may even say we are looking forward to being there. Yet, if we are completely honest, too many Christians treat this life as "real" while treating Heaven as something surreal, "spiritual," and foreign. Since we can't see it, hear it, or touch it, (being completely honest) it may not even seem relevant to many who claim to follow Jesus.

So, with this mindset, we settle into this life and live it as an end in itself. We may not think about laying up treasures in Heaven like Jesus told us to because we are too busy laying up treasures in our garage. We aren't consumed with living in such a way that we will hear Jesus' words of affirmation on Judgment Day because we are consumed with hearing words of affirmation from our co-workers and peers.

In 1 Peter 2:11-12, the Lord speaks directly to this propensity when He tells us to change our thinking. We are to intentionally force our minds to realize that we are only temporary residents in this life and we are on a pilgrimage to our eternal home which is more real than anything we presently experience. And as we keep our eyes focused on Heaven and the day when Jesus' will assess how we lived this life, it will motivate us to see this life as an opportunity to show others that our God is so wonderful that we gladly submit to His authority. In so doing, we will provide a powerful example to those who are watching who will also stand before Jesus one day.

1 Peter 2:11-12
"11 Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. 12 Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world."

Friday, July 22, 2016

A hope-filled future for the down-and-out

Is life tough for you right now? Maybe you even feel like things are out of control.

Sometimes life can get that way. But, the promises of God that He has given to His children are intended to keep our chins up. They are intended to give us the motivation to keep going.

I came across a precious promise this morning. Looking at it with the lenses of the New Testament, it reminds us that our God is fully in control. He is far above whatever things we are dealing with. And even... if we are in desperate straits, we will one day relax among royalty (in Heaven). So, dear believer, take heart!

Psalm 113:5-8 (NLT)
Who can be compared with the LORD our God,
who is enthroned on high?
He stoops to look down
on heaven and on earth.
He lifts the poor from the dust
and the needy from the garbage dump.
He sets them among princes,

even the princes of his own people!"

Monday, July 11, 2016

National Mall with my boys (July 11, 2016)

We intended to take it easy today after a big day yesterday. Yet, after walking Kim to the National Gallery of Art this morning, my sons and I put in quite a few miles. We visited the Capital Building, the Library of Congress, the Supreme Court, the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and the Holocaust Museum. Some of the pictures appear below.
I took this picture after walking a mile to the National Gallery of Art and moments before we
said "good-bye" to Kim as she embarked on her first day as a fellow at the National Gallery.

The moment seemed surreal to my sons as we approached the Capital Building. I pointed
to the spot where our U.S. Presidents have taken the oath of office and they seemed
to have an incredible feel for this location in American history.

I took this picture only because it looked pretty cool. I wish their had been a few clouds
to add yet more color.

Here, we were standing outside the Library of Congress. My sons really wanted to visit
this location because of it's use in the movie, "National Treasure."

Here we are near the U.S. Supreme Court.

Standing on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court.

I'm REALLY getting tired of expensive, greasy meals. But, this is the best we could find
as we neared the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.

I took this picture of my boys on the second floor of the Air and Space Museum.
I liked the visual of Kim's workplace in the background. You can see the National
Gallery of Art between Zach and Sean.

Another picture of my boys in the Air and Space Museum.
We ended our discovery tour by visiting the Holocaust Museum. Yet, I didn't take many pictures there. It was too solemn of a place to snap pictures.