Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Book Review: "Every Man's Battle" by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker w/Mike Yorkey

I obtained my free copy of "Every Man’s Battle" from Multnomah for review. (A handful of women looking at that title may have a handful of different ideas regarding what the book is about. A stadium filled with thousands of men would provide only one answer … and it would be correct.) I handpicked this book because of its relevancy to the Christian walk. To one extent or another, most men have not gained complete victory in this area of their life and this book appeared to provide a battle plan for winning. Having completed the book, I can say that my suppositions were correct.
To begin with, this is a man’s book written by men to men. As such, it periodically comes across as conversation that would take place in a male locker room. Not that the conversation is impure – it’s written by men who take their walk with Jesus seriously. The conversation is just frank and honest.
The authors took a very interesting approach to dealing with the sins of thought and deed. Since it is “maleness” that creates the potential problems, it is “maleness” that can get men out. The authors write on page 71: “You got into this mess by being male; you’ll get out by being a man.” The authors write on page 218: “I want you to know that you are a warrior of the Lord God Almighty. The battle for purity lies before you, and victory is yours for the taking. God is with you, and make no mistake, together you stand as a formidable duo on the battlefield. You can win – you will – win this battle.” You read that and you just want to let out a good ol’ Tim Allen (“Home Improvement”) “Arrrggghhh arrrrggghhh!”
However, even though it is quite man-centered, it is also thoroughly biblical. Verse upon verse are given to show how seriously God takes sexual purity in the Scriptures. Verses are given to provide principles for victory. Further, verses are provided to show that the basis for our victory is not in ourselves but in Christ who is in us. The basis is the work of redemption as referenced on page 90: “At Calvary, He purchased for you the freedom and authority to live in purity. That freedom and that authority are His gift to you through the presence of His Spirit, who took up residence within you when you gave your life to Christ. The freedom and authority are wrapped up in our new inner connection to His divine nature, which is the link that gives us His power and the fulfillment of His promises…” We can do nothing apart from Christ. But if we are saved, we AREN’T apart from Christ and are more than overcomers.
Another aspect of this book that I enjoyed was the real life stories. Over and over, the authors told of men they knew who broke their vows by allowing their eyes, mind and heart/body to wander. The consequences they experienced are a healthy warning to every man.
As men read this book, they will realize that much of what they struggle with is common among most men. In realizing this, there may be greater freedom to acknowledge the problem and tackle it. (As I have counseled folks in my office, I’ve noticed the sense of relief that comes over them when I inform them that others struggle with the same issues that they do. That relief doesn’t minimize the sin. It does, however, give them the ability to relax and experience God’s power to assist them rather than being overwhelmed by the “great accuser.”)
Finally, and there is so much more that I could write, this book does a great job of setting up some common-sense and necessary parameters to keep from being overtaken by immorality. There is a section on how to guard your eyes, another section on how to guard your mind and another on guarding your heart (pursuing holiness and your wife).
This book will remain a helpful resource in my arsenal for years to come.

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