Friday, May 9, 2014

Matt & Kim's 17th Wedding Anniversary

I can't believe that Kim and I have been married for 17 years! I found a video of our wedding on May 10, 1997 and watched a portion of it. As I looked at those 20-somethings, I couldn't help but shake my head and say, "Wow, if only they knew what was ahead of them!"

Much of what lie ahead of us has been incredible! In a couple of years, God would bless us with our first son, Zach. Then, two years later, God sent our son, Sean. Finally, four years later, God gave us Joseph. As those three boys have grown older, Kim and I continue to realize just how God wonderfully blessed us when He gave each of them to us. They make us, as parents, look better than we really are. 

God has also blessed Kim and I with Himself. As we look back to our earlier years of marriage, we often realize just how spiritually immature we were. Yet, through our marriage, God has blessed us with some really bad times. Yes, you heard that right. I used the word "blessed" and "bad times" in the same sentence because God used them to draw us to Himself. Our relationship with the Lord is so much stronger and sweeter now than it was when we married. Yes, we've still got so far to go, so much more to enjoy but we've come so far in the last 17 years.

I am also overwhelmed by God's grace by giving Kim to me. I could not have imagined back in 1997 just how much I would be positively impacted by the special lady He was giving to me. I am not being cliche when I say that I am a much better man for having married Kim. I have gone much farther than I would have if God had not used her to help shape me into a vessel that is much more usable to the Lord.

God has also blessed us immensely as He has brought some incredible people into our lives. In truth, every single person we've met has been a personal masterpiece by our great Creator. Yet, some folks have stepped in and left their fingerprints all over our lives. Many of those extra special people were sent just as the right time.

If friendships make someone rich, then we are unimaginably wealthy. After our wedding, God continues to bless us with relationships. We have developed some incredibly deep and rich relationships in the churches that I have served in. It has always been a very hard thing to leave for the next assignment because we had developed such a family kind of love for the folks we served. We cannot adequately express how wonderful it is to continue to enjoy friendships in Lexington, Georgetown, Princeton, Brooksville, Murray and many other places along the way.

Life with Kim has absolutely been an adventure! And, if I had it to do all over again, I'd do it all over again ... as long as I'm with Kim!

But, hey, it's not over. The adventure continues. Who knows what God has yet in store for us as we walk into the future together! I'm just so excited that I get to walk that journey with my best friend, my Sweetheart, Kim!

Here is a video clip from our wedding on May 10, 1997. I surprised Kim by adding a song to the wedding. I picked out a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that talks about my commitment to stay with and love her throughout the good and bad times. So, here's me singing a love song to Kim. After listening to me sing, you'll understand why she kept crying. lol

1 comment:

Susan Jones said...

That's just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing such a personal part of your life.