Wednesday, November 19, 2014

E-mail to Murray City Council about SOGI Proposal (November 13, 2014)

November 13, 2014

Dear Council Member,

To say that I am troubled by the recent news that there is a proposal to include SOGI as protected behavior in Murray is an understatement.

Please understand that I am not a homophobe nor a hatemonger. As a follower of Jesus, I am clearly aware that there is such a thing as “sin” and I stand guilty as charged. I also realize that as a follower of Jesus, I am commanded to love those who are like me … and those who are not. Even if my “enemy” is thirsty or hungry, I’m commanded by my Lord to care enough about him to meet his need.

So, I want to be clear that as far as I’m concerned, there are no “enemies” on either side of the issue being brought up at the City Council Meeting tonight. Persons on both sides of the issue are people of value. There is only a very bad proposal.

While I lack complete clarity on the precise language of the proposal, we know all too well that legislation such as this has cropped up in various cities in our country and has caused much havoc. Businesses led by convictional owners are told to either violate their conscience or go out of business. Boys who choose to identify as a girl may be free, by law, to enter a girl’s restroom. On and on I could go but I am only stating what you must be fully aware of.

When I moved to Murray last year, I fell in love with this place. One of the many, many reasons I thanked God that I moved here was the “small town values.” Yet, in this proposal, it seems as if the SOGI agenda that is wreaking so much havoc in our country is trying to claim Murray as well.

While I ask that our community treat all of its citizens the same, I ask that you not create a special class of citizens who receive protections that are not afforded other citizens.

I ask you to cast your vote against the proposal to be read this evening.

Respectfully submitted,
Matt Ellis
Senior Pastor
Westside Baptist Church, Murray, Kentucky

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