Saturday, January 3, 2015

Some reflections on the categories of temptation

As I reflected upon my Bible reading this morning, I came across something that was fascinating. I've noticed it before but it never gets old.

As I read through Matthew 4 where Jesus was tempted by Satan, I couldn't help but realize that He experienced the three primary temptation categories that are listed in 1 John 2:16. Every single time we are tempted to sin, it is in one of three ways - our body craves something it is not supposed to have, our mind craves something it is not supposed to have or our ego craves something it's not supposed to have.

In the following chart, I list the sin category on the far left.

Second, I give a very basic clarification of that temptation.

Third, I show how Eve, along with Adam, fell into sin by way of each of the three temptations.

Finally, I show how Jesus demonstrated that He was sinlessly perfect as He overcame each of those three categories of temptation to sin that Satan lobbed at Him. (And notice that Satan knew God's Word but didn't get the temptations in the order they are listed in Genesis 3 and 1 John 2. He knows God's Words but handles it carelessly.)

List of primary temptation categories in 1 John 2:16
Clarification of the temptation
Mankind’s yielding to the temptation
Jesus’ victory over the temptation

“Lust of the flesh”
My body wants something that it’s not supposed to have.
“So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food…” (Genesis 3:6)
Jesus didn’t turn stones to bread so He could eat even though He was starving (Matthew 4:3-4)

“Lust of the eyes”
My mind wants something that it’s not supposed to have.
“So when the woman saw that the tree … was a delight to the eyes,” (Genesis 3:6)
Jesus didn’t take the shortcut to His future reign over the world after viewing the impressive kingdoms of the world (Matthew 4:8-10)

“Pride of life”
My ego wants something that it’s not supposed to have.
“So when the woman saw … that the tree was to be desired to make one wise,” (Genesis 3:6)
Jesus didn’t think too much of Himself by presuming upon God’s watchful care (Matthew 4:5-8)

The result…
“… she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.” (Genesis 3:6). The further result was God’s disapproval and separation from mankind.
“Then the devil left him, and behold, angels came and were ministering to him.” (Matthew 4:11). This was a demonstration of Jesus’ sinless perfection as He would go to the cross and take our place bearing God’s punishment on our behalf.

1 comment:

P Rister said...

When asked, Paul, how do you know there is a God, my reply is because of what I see around me, creation. Secondly because I have a document of his life, the Bible. Thirdly, because of how He is at work in my life. But I could add a fourth. God has to be real because, I know Satan is real. I feel Satan daily tugging on me through temptations. The temptations can be broken down, just as you have done. I'd like to believe I'm as good as Jesus, in that I can resist the taunting, but often fail as Eve did.

Thanks for your time Pastor Matt to teach the word.