Saturday, March 21, 2015

WBC Marriage Retreat 2015 in photos

Westside Baptist Church hosted a marriage retreat on March 21, 2015. Here are some pictures that highlight the day's events.

This is the schedule of how the day played out.
There were great lectures, hilarious skits, delicious food,
and so much more!

The Welcome Center

These are the door prizes that were handed out. Had a lot of fun with this!

Attendees were asked to submit a picture of their wedding day.
Here are some attendees enjoying the pictures.

Here's Michael and Lesley Herndon getting their picture taken at the 'photo booth.'

Matt and Kim's photo booth picture.

Gary and Linda Wallis (along with some other volunteers) did an incredible job with the skits!!!

Steve and Candice Watters speaking during the second marriage session.

Couples bowing in prayer during the first marriage retreat seminar.

At the conclusion of our time together, married couples prayed together for their marriages.

Steve & Candice Watters with Matt & Kim Ellis

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