Monday, January 25, 2016

Trusting God when life doesn't make sense

God is actively at work all around us. No matter what happens, God's fingerprints are all over it. Either He willed it or simply allowed it - but nothing can happen unless it gets God's approval.

That being said, we often struggle with how to reconcile bad things with God's sovereign control. "How can a good God allow bad things and injustice to take place?"

Well, that is a huge question that is worthy of a much larger post. For now, let's settle on just one of the possible answers that I came across in my Bible reading this morning ...

Sometimes God allows (or wills) bad things to happen because they are a means to bring about a greater good (Romans 8:28). In Joseph's case (Genesis 37-50), God was going to take a young spoiled brat and turn him into a man that could competently claim the enormous responsibility of being second-in-command of the most powerful nation at that time.

How did God choose to develop character in Joseph and get him to Egypt? He allowed him to be sold into slavery by his brothers!

Genesis 37:28
"Then Midianite traders passed by. And they drew Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. They took Joseph to Egypt."

So, sometimes when life just doesn't seem fair, it may mean that God is using that event to accomplish a greater good. We may never know this side of Heaven what that greater good is. In fact, I am convinced that God doesn't simply work out 1 greater good at a time but thousands of objectives (or more) at a time. We can't possible fully understand why He is doing what He's doing.

So, just trust Him. Never doubt the Lord. He knows exactly what He's doing. Just roll with it and trust Him. It will make sense one day.

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