Monday, April 17, 2017

The humility to listen and learn


Joshua 15:1-63
Luke 18:18-43
Psalm 86:1-17
Proverbs 13:9-10


Proverbs 13:10 (CSB) "Arrogance leads to nothing but strife, but wisdom is gained by those who take advice."


What is it that causes so many of us to bristle when others give us advice? Maybe we're insecure? Maybe we want to seem like we've got it all together? Maybe we've got a pride problem?

Maybe it's a teenager that doesn't want to listen to their parents. Maybe it's a husband who is in the driver's seat and refuses to stop and ask for directions. Maybe it's a church member who doesn't want a fellow member to tell them how to fix one of their problems.

Whatever the surface reason might be, we don't like it when others give us advice because we are arrogant. It's that simple. We don't like it when others appear to know something that we don't. We are under the impression that this makes us look bad and our pride doesn't like it.

And when that sin problem rests within our heart, I've seen it create strife over and over. "I know! I know! You don't have to tell me!" Whether we say it audibly or yell it silently in the hallways of our mind, those words put wedges between people, not draw them together.

But, we aren't going to gain more knowledge and wisdom unless we listen to others.  Whether it's a book or conversation, we need to listen to others to get the wisdom we need to live this one life God has given to us. And that's going to take humility. But, if we can humble ourselves enough to listen and learn, we are all the better for it.

Proverbs 13:10 (CSB) "Arrogance leads to nothing but strife, but wisdom is gained by those who take advice."

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