Friday, August 11, 2017

The problem of pride


Nehemiah 1:1–3:14 
1 Corinthians 7:1-24 
Psalm 31:19-24 
Proverbs 21:4


Proverbs 21:4 (CSB) "The lamp that guides the wicked - haughty eyes and an arrogant heart - is sin."


If there is one sin that is the root of all other sins, it is pride. 

Pride is the notion that we are at the center of our world and everything operates out of that paradigm. When we make decisions, they are ultimately focused on self-interests. When we assess our work, we assume it is better than anyone else's. When we talk, our words are primarily about ourselves because we are convinced that we are the most important thing to be discussed. When we sin, it is only because we have determined that we make up our rules, not God.

On and on we could go with the possibilities of how a proud person acts.

But, have you ever noticed that when we have a pride problem, it doesn't seem that bad? Yet, when someone else has a pride problem, it is utterly appalling to us?

Further, it's not just distasteful - it will wreck relationships, families, churches, and communities. If we are to get along with each other and enjoy relationship, pride must go.

So, while we may struggle with pride, simply reflecting on what pride causes will lead us to the clear conclusion that it is a cancer that will destroy us and what is precious to us.

That is one of the reasons for our Verse for Today. When God calls something "sin," He's not just making up arbitrary rules. He knows how we operate. He knows what is best for us, those around us, and His glory. And whatever would bring harm to His glory or His precious creation is called "sin."

Proverbs 21:4 (CSB) "The lamp that guides the wicked - haughty eyes and an arrogant heart - is sin."

Give the Holy Spirit permission to search your heart today (Psalm 139:23-24). Consider asking a close friend to be honest with you. Look to see if pride has taken root in your heart.

When (not if) you find pride in your heart, ask God to help you to eradicate it. And then look for circumstances to come your way that will humble you. It won't be pleasant, just like some medicine isn't pleasant. But, it will work for your long-term good on your journey to become more like Jesus.

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