Friday, March 17, 2017

4 areas in which you need to grow


Numbers 26:1-51
Luke 2:36-52
Psalm 60:1-12
Proverbs 11:15


Luke 2:52 (CSB) "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people."


It is interesting that Luke, a doctor, is the one who mentions how Jesus grew. It would seem that doctors, who are interested in health, would focus on such things.

But, Luke doesn't simply make a general statement about Jesus' health. He is specific and gives us the four areas in which Jesus grew:

  • "wisdom" (mental)
  • "stature" (physical)
  • "favor with God" (spiritual)
  • "favor with man" (social)
Fantastic! We've now got a list of the areas in which Jesus grew. This is transferable! We can use the same list to focus on our own growth.

So, let me ask some questions to get us focused on growth in these areas:

What are you doing to grow your mind? What books are you reading in order to learn? Is there a new skill you need to learn?
If there was one thing that you could learn that would have a profound, immediate impact on your life, what would it be? Why not consider reading up on that or visiting with someone who can help you.

What are you doing to take care of your body (God's temple - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)? What are you doing to take care of your body so that it can remain healthy? Are you eating the right kinds of foods and only the amount that you need? Are you exercising? Do you have regular check-ups?
What new habit could you develop that would have an immediate, positive impact on your health?

How are things between you and Jesus? Are you submitting to His authority over your life? Are you reading and obeying His Word (not just the parts you agree with)? Are you regularly repenting of sins and receiving His forgiveness and cleansing? Is there something that Scripture commands that you need to begin doing (or stop doing)?

Are you pleasant to be around? Do people tend to trust you and hang around you? When you meet someone, do you spend more time listening or talking? Do you value each person you meet and see them as someone created in the image of God? Are their some social skills that you need to brush up on?

I have only provided a few questions for each area and they may not be the right ones for you. But, they will get you started. Just make sure that you are progressing toward health in each of the four areas in which Jesus grew: mental, physical, spiritual, and social.

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