Sunday, March 12, 2017

Living in victory when life is tough


Numbers 16:41-18:32
Mark 16:1-20
Psalm 55:1-23
Proverbs 11:7


Psalm 55:22 "Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall."


Life is tough. There's no questioning that. We definitely live in a fallen, Genesis 3 world.

So, what's a Jesus-follower to do? Live in a perpetual state of despair?

Of course not!

We are to follow the example of the Psalmist and "give (our) burdens to the Lord." That means that we go to Him in prayer, inform Him of what He already knows, and then leave the "worrying" to Him.

Essentially, we say something like: "Heavenly Father, I've done all that I can do. I know of nothing else that I need to do. So, I'm leaving this matter in your hands. If I were to fret and worry, it's not going to solve anything so I won't bother. I trust that You are working out Your perfect plan and that whatever happens has to come through Your hands. Thank you so much for taking this burden from me. It was getting far too heavy to carry. Amen."

What is the guarantee? That if we are godly (obedient and confessed up), then He won't permit us "to slip and fall." That doesn't mean that life will immediately get easier. In fact, it may be God's desire to use the difficulties to forge steadfastness and character in us. The verse means that we will be able to stand victorious even if the trials continue to rage around us. We can live confidently because we are trusting in Him to take care of it.

So, is life hard? Sometimes. But, don't lay in a pool of discouragement on the battle field. Get up, trust in the Lord, and live in victory!

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