Sunday, June 11, 2017

Boldness to share the Gospel


1 Kings 8:1-66 
Acts 7:51–8:13 
Psalm 129:1-8 
Proverbs 17:1


Acts 8:4 (CSB) "So those who were scattered went on their way preaching the word."


When we read the context in which our Verse for the Today is found, we realize that men and women who followed Jesus were being persecuted.

In Acts 7, we read that Stephen, one of the deacons at the first church (Acts 6:1-6), was taken into custody. He boldly proclaimed the Gospel and courageously pointed out the sin of his listeners. His Gospel efforts were met with a force that tried to silence his message - they threw rocks at him and stoned him to death.

In Acts 8:1-3, we read that men and women, boys and girls who followed Jesus were dragged out of their houses and put in jail for refusing to deny their allegiance to Jesus.

In Acts 8:4ff, we read that Philip (another of the original deacons) was unfazed. He refused to let jail time or death keep him from proclaiming the Gospel to those who so desperately needed it.

Acts 8:4 (CSB) "So those who were scattered went on their way preaching the word."

They were "scattered" because of persecution. They were looking for places that might prove safer. But, whether they stayed or left, they proclaimed the name of Jesus boldly.

In America, we are free to share the Gospel. There is virtually no repercussions for sharing the Gospel with those we encounter throughout the day. Yet, very few people who claim allegiance to Jesus ever share His Gospel with others. The early Christians shared the Gospel as they faced persecution while too many contemporary Christians rarely share the Gospel in the face of freedom.

Lord Jesus, please renew a fire within us to proclaim Your Name to those who desperately need to hear about how they can come into relationship with You. It is not Your will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. But, in order to repent, they need someone to share the Good News of what Jesus has done for them. Please give us boldness today to be open to share the Good News with whomever we have an opportunity. Amen.

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