Wednesday, June 14, 2017

God is faithful when we are not


1 Kings 12:20–13:34 
Acts 9:26-43 
Psalm 132:1-18 
Proverbs 17:6


Psalm 132:11-12 "The Lord swore an oath to David, a promise he will not abandon: 'I will set one of your offspring on your throne. If your sons keep my covenant and my decrees that I will teach them, their sons will also sit on your throne forever.'"


Our Verses for Today convey God's desire. In actuality, they were a promise.

God said that if David and his descendants lived in complete obedience to God's laws, then the royal line of David would continue to sit on Jerusalem's throne forever.

Well, it doesn't take a Bible scholar to realize that Israel is currently led by a Prime Minister and not a king. He resides in Biet Aghion and not Jerusalem. David's descendant isn't currently reigning on Israel's throne ... there is no throne.

So, when we read Psalm 132:11-12 carefully, we realize that it is a conditional promise. There were certain stipulations. If David and his descendants did their part, then God would be obligated to do His part. But, since David and his descendants did not do their part (they were disobedient), God was not obligated to put one of David's descendants on his throne forever.

But, God did anyway!

This is the nature of a gracious God!

He gives us good things even when we fail miserably to hold up our end of the bargain.

Even though David fell into horrible sin and his royal descendants continued to disobey God's commands, David's decedent will reign forever. God sent His Son, Jesus, born of the virgin Mary (a descendant of David - see Matthew 1:1-17 & Luke 3:23-38) to be the King of kings who would rule forever. The future Heaven that the righteous will enjoy includes a "New Jerusalem" (Revelation 21:1-2) and a throne upon which Jesus will reign.

So, the conditional promise in Psalm 132 was violated by men but graciously fulfilled by a loving God.

Friend, God is still the same. You will fail Him. You will sin against Him. You will stumble and fall ... daily. But, if you have been saved and entered into a relationship with Him, you have already been a recipient of His grace. And His grace toward you continues. Even when you fail, He is faithful. 

So, rest in His grace and faithfulness today.

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