Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Preaching in the age of technology

First of all, I don't claim to be a tech guru. I simply realize that there are a few technology opportunities that I understand that I have taken advantage of.

One of them is podcasting. I had been uploading sermon videos for quite a few years but realized that people would much rather listen to a sermon online than watch it online. So, I created a podcast for our church a year ago. I learned a little bit during the process and found a website to house my Sunday morning sermons (

Since then, I've watched the number of streams and downloads grow (currently, an average of 10 folks listen to a sermon every day). 

This isn't a celebration of anything I've done or am doing. It is an offering of gratitude that God is allowing me to influence even more people for His glory as I spend hours each week in study and then deliver a message to His people.

Further, it is an encouragement to Jesus-followers to understand that our scope of influence isn't limited to the people we bump into each day. We could influence people on the other side of the world that we will never meet until we arrive in our Heavenly home. So, dear Christian, use technology for God's glory to increase His Kingdom.

Here is a snapshot of the analytics page on Podpoint where I house my Sunday morning sermons:

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