Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Humbling ourselves before God


1 Kings 22:1-53 
Acts 13:16-41 
Psalm 138:1-8 
Proverbs 17:17-18


Psalm 138:6 (CSB) "Though the Lord is exalted, he takes note of the humble; but he knows the haughty from a distance."


Our Verse for Today reminds us of a couple of very important truths:

The Lord is exalted. Bringing other Scriptural truths to bear upon this verse, we recognize that God is above all else. There is none like Him. He is the ruler of Creation and the posture most fitting (and enjoyable) for us is kneeling and bowing before Him.

As the most high and exalted over Creation, we are surprised to read the next part of the verse.

He enjoys those who are humble. Yet, He "knows the haughty from a distance" which means there is no relationship with them.

God is attracted to humility. The attribute of thinking of others more than we do ourselves was evidenced even by His own Son (see Philippians 2:3-11).

So, humble yourself before God today. Recognize your dependence upon Him. Demonstrate that dependence by spending time listening to Him in your Bible reading. Further demonstrate it by offering up prayers throughout the day anytime you have a decision to make, a need to be met, or a moment to share. Recognize that He wants you to enjoy Him but you cannot do that when you have unconfessed sin in your heart so be quick to confess and repent of (turn from) any sin that you are aware of.

Friend, most certainly there is more of God to enjoy than you are presently experiencing. So, take the steps to increase your happiness by submitting to God and deepening your relationship with the One you were made to worship.

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